ARE manure processing is key to ARE’s model for success and is based on Soil Net’s proprietary polymer technologies. Manure processing provides nutrient-depleted (reduced P and reduced solids – fiber / organic matter) “carrier water” that is recycled to flush (clean) free-stall barns and other dairy facilities, and helps separate the bedding sand from the flushed manure. The 2.5 million gallons of recycled rinse water produced per day provides a cost effective solution for both improved cow health as well as the dairy facility (and milk) sanitation. This recycled rinse water is used twice a year (Spring and Fall) as the primary, optimized (reduced P, enhanced N and K) fertilizer / nutrient source for the cropping system.
The solids recovered by polymer-based separation are processed in a digester to improve downstream fractionation and to recover biogas. The solids are further separated into small fiber, large fiber, and sludge. The small fiber provides the biomass for cellulosic ethanol. The large fiber and sludge are processed into custom fertilizer for use as needed on the dairy farm or to be marketed as a separate profit stream.
Also key to ARE’s manure processing is a macerator pump / system which grinds foreign objects to small sizes for processing. Size reduction of raw material is an important first step in the process. ARE’s macerator pump / system was developed and manufactured by FEECO International, Inc.
The proposed research will provide the technical specifications and performance data to adapt alternative combinations of the separation system (and the associated cellulosic based energy, chemical feedstock, and soil amendment products) to specific situations.